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Healthy tips to protect your eyes

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Hi and hello in this blog post I am going to discuss some useful and interesting steps to protect our eyes.

In this generation we all are using phones and computers it affects our eyes .we can't live without a mobile in these days but we can take some safety measures to safe our eye.

Yeah ,in 2020-2021 in this covid-19 quarantine nearly people using mobiles average of 6.9 hours a day and then there is no school's for students only online classes for last 17 months . One of the main impact is students addicted to many vedio games in mobile and many other. The blue light emitted from your mobile can cause

            *eye irritation 

             *Head ache

            *It can affects your sleep
            *It cause dryness in your eyes and you are forgot to blink your eyes normally a human will blink his eyes average of 25 times in 1 minute, but nowadays it becomes less for children's who are using mobile phones .The children who using the phone they are blinking there eyes only for 5 times in 1 minute.
           *Eye vision problems
           *Computer vision problems
           *Retina  getting damaged
           *Photo oxidative damage

By this problem as a result of using computer and mobile phones we are getting blind.

so what are the ways that you can prevent your eyes from the blue light that emitted from the mobile phones and computers screen's.

ok let see what are the precautions and safety measures to protect our eyes ourself.


In our day today life people are wearing sunglasses for fashion but some people itself do know that it gives some healthy benefits to wearing sunglasses .

         Which means sunglasses can protect your eyes from ultraviolet light's or Ray's. Ultraviolet rays can affect your eye's cornea and eye lens and your retina . wearing sun glasses when you are going out not only in summer aso in rainy season or  winter season whatever season this is not the problem sun glasses gives protection to your eyes from ultraviolet rays or light that emitted from the sun light. Doctor's says that sunglasses 100 percentage protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays.



You can wash your eyes with cold water 3 times a day .As soon as you getting up from your bed you can wash your closed eyes with cold water and before lunch and later when you are going to bed at night you can wash your closed eyes with cold water.

        This can benefit eyes by relieving eyes strain this also helps your eyes to refresh.This methods has been suggested by doctor that this can relax your skin and eyes. Not only that this also helps in improving good vision power to you.



In nowadays lot of technology has been evolved and started and lot things that discovered to save human life .like wise some people may know that Blue light blocking glass, lot of people's were using world wide who are working always in computer and mobile phones  because these are the most device that we using regularly in our day to day life and device's like cellphone, computer, laptop are the devices that emitting  high level of blue lights when you using the phones or computer the blue light will enter into your eyes and it affects eye lens ,cornea and retina .This causes blur vision,eye strain,head ache and this may leads to blindness.

So by wearing blue light blocking glasses you can protect your eyes from the uv blue light that comes from the mobile screen and computer screens.


If you try this rule it give best results for you. When you are working on the computer take break for every 20 minutes and see the distance object at 20 feet away for 20 seconds by doing this your eyes is getting relaxed. This was followed by all and this is called  20-20-20 rule .


 By blinking your eyes the retina gets nourished and it preventing you're eyes from computer vision.if you forget to blink your eyes it may cause dryness in your eyes and you can use some supplemental eye drops which keep your eye safe .


Use large fonts for your computer and mobile screen and use warm colours in your mobile like yellow or other warm colours. Turn on Eye protection mode by doing these steps this relaxes your eyes and stress free for your eyes.


Be aware that when you're working in the computer make sure that the screen is 1.5 feet away from your eyes and place the screen slightly upward this may prevent neck pain and back pain .



Good health starts with food on your plate ,take vitamins C and vitamin E containing food such as

        *Green leafy vegetables such as spinach,kale,collards greens, broccoli, garden peas,corns, brussels sprouts And eat fishes like tuna salmon and other oily fishes.

       * Eat coloured fruits like orange,mango and more these helps in increasing your eyesight in  darkness .


Three vitamins are mainly needed for your eyes being healthy 
         No :1Vitamin A
        No :2 Vitamin C
       No :3 Vitamin E
Vitamin A:  Vitamin A helps to prevent night blindness and helps to improve night vision.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C helps to slows down the development of cataract problems and macular degeneration.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E helps to the people who are in the earlier stage of macular degeneration. 
So you can eat the vitamins A,E,C contained food in your daily life.

Eat antioxidant foods like 

     *Blue berries

Eating blue berries regularly will help you to maintain eye blood vessels and eye muscle stronger and strengthen.

     *Dark chocolate

Eating dark coco chocolate regularly will increase blood flow to your brain and retina and you can see the letters clearly . Eating lots of dark chocolate will also give some bad side effects ,so eat limited.


Carrots are very rich in nutrients such beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a pigment that gives colour to the carrots . When we eat beta-carotene it is absorbed by our bodies and turns into vitamin A . If you want to maintain a good normal eye health then you need vitamin A . Vitamin A nourishes your retina .

     *Red cabbages

Red cabbage or it is also called as purple colour cabbage . It is enriched of antioxidants such as vitamin C , anthocyanins (this was a a type of flavonoids wich contains antioxidant), kaempferol is also a type flavonoids . Compared to the normal cabbage this purple cabage has 4times greater antioxidant.This purple cabage contains 36 types antioxidant in it.

Goji is also called as goji berry or wolf Berry's. This goji berry contains vitamin A and vitamin C and it helps to improve your vission.


Grapes are the family of cherry .They are available in different colours and different tastes like red ,blue , purple, green and etc... It is rich in antioxidants .It give nutrients to our eyes.


Orange is one of the essential food item .That you need to take regularly for your eyes for keeping it healthy. Orange also contains vitamin c and it is also a antioxidant food. Vitamin is very very rich in orange . It keeps the eye blood vessels healthy. Not only that it is rich in vitamin A and potassium it will increase your eyesight. One of the main thing is it helps to reduce the risk of cataract.


You must need to eat vitamin c  riched vegetable to maintain a good health.

     *Sweet potatoes

Yes sweet potatoes is also very rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants.

     *Curly Kale
Kale contains powerful antioxidant such as antioxidant and vitamin C. It will fight against insects wich affects the eyes.


Beetroot contains a high source of vitamins mainly vitamin c. Beetroot contains fiber and anti-oxidants like beta-carotene which helps to prevent antioxidant.


Raspberry has the great level of flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds that are found in raspberry which helps to improve our eye vision. Raspberry are the good source of vitamin E and other anti-oxidants which are very good for our eyes being healthy.

     * Bean

Problems like cataracts , risk of developing macular degeneration and retina can be protected by taking beans . Beans are the good source of flavnoids and zinc . Zinc is very very important to protect your eyes from damage from light.


By taking intake of Pecans will give better eye health it contains anti-oxidants such as vitamin E , beta-carotene , lutein and zeaxanthin. These four anti-oxidants will improve your eye health.

The eggs contains vitamin A and Including lutein which helps to prevent night blindness and dry eyes.
Salmon is a fish . Normally everybody should eat fishes because fish contains omega 3 fatty acids which are healthy to our eyes. So salmon is a fish and it is very rich in Omega–3 fatty acids and it helps to the development in the health of the  retina.These Omega 3 fatty acids will aso prevent to dry eyes . When you are going to buy a fish you should buy the fish which was developed in the farms you should buy the fish which was caught in the rivers and seas and in wild.

Almonds are enrich with phosphorus which helps to increase and improves your brain power and eyesight .


Artichokes contains vitamin C and vitamin D . Prevents macular degeneration and cataracts.


Taking of spinach in your daily food it prevents cataract .


Broccoli is is full and full composed of lutein and zeaxanthin which helps to your eyesight.


Amla contains vitamin c which helps to increase your eye sight and lose weight 
Kiwi is also a fruit which is enriched with vitamins and anti oxidants which helps to increase your eye sight

     *Guava juice
Guava fruit or juice you can take in has both ways because guava is very rich in vitamin A and folate.

     *Strawberry etc,.. like this fruits improve your eye power and keeps your eye healthier and with rich health.


Why smoking is very bad for eyes?

Many of the doctor's and eye specialist says that quiet smoking because it affects your eyes and  cigarette contains more than 4000 very harmful toxic chemicals which affects our eyes.The smokers are go blind in thier old age upto 4 times more likely smoking will cause shows a risk factor of development of age related macular degeneration.Quite smoking is not only bad for your eyes it also brings many disease like lungs and increase blod pressure.


Does reading or writing in dark affects your eyesight?

          Yes, absolutely that affects your eyes.Reading in darkness may leads cause headache and eye strain .so avoid reading in dark and don't use your mobile phones in dark and don't use mobile phones when you before going sleep this will cause myopia or more dangerously colour blindness.


Take a regular eye checkup atleast twice a year with your eye specialist.



2)The size of the eye is approximately 1 inch.

3)The weight of the eye is 28grams.

4)Our eye can see 10 million colours.

5)For 1 minute our eyes is blinking between 16 to 20 times ; which means 17 times a minute ;14280 times a day and 5200000 times a year.

6)Most of the new born babies will have colour blindness ,which means they cannot see all the colours.This is also called as red green blindness.

7)New born babies crys without tears for first five to six weeks.

8)It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.The scientific reason is to protect our eyes from bacteria that comes from our mouth and nose when we are sneezing.

9)Our eye is not blinking only for getting nourished and it also blinks for protecting our eyes when some object is thrown on us or when bright light emitted outside.

10)Our eyes never grows. From birth to death it remains in the same size.

11)Our brain stores 80% of memory are determined by what we see.

12)Around half of the brain is used for seeing vission.

13) people with blue eyes have a higher alcohol tolerance.

13)For some of the eye operations shark cornea is used because it is similar to human cornea.

14)The most active muscle in our body is the muscles which control our eyes ,this is the most active muscle in our body out of all muscles.

15)If our eye was a digital camera then it would be Have 576 megapixel.

16)Our eyes can focus on 50 different objects on every second
17)The coloured part of the eye is known as it has 250 to 256 unique characteristics but our finger print has just 40.

19)We humans have six senses in that one of the sense is eye.

20)our eyes peripheral vision is low resolution.

21) In Ancestral commonly human has brown eyes.

22)In the average life time our eye see around 24 million different images.

23) when we standing on a hot sun or when we seeing some bright light or when we seeing the sky we will see a transparent things floating in front of our eyes they are our blood cells and fat cells and other pieces of tissue inside our eyes and some dead cells.

24)Probably as a result people who are using mobiles they seeing the mobile screen through their one eyes and they closing the other eye.This may lead to blindness because of your opened eye will adapt to light and your closed eye is adapted to darkness.

25) Using your mobile phone at night the light emitted from the screen can reduce the production of melatonin in your eyes which affects your sleep and cause sleeping problems.

26)In our eyes the first affecting places are Cornea and retina . Because Cornea is the forst portion of our eye, when ever the chemicals falling on our eyes the cornea is get affected. And it also affected by vitamin deficiency so it is the first to be get affected. Retina: In our eye the blood circulation is very high in the retina . Whenever there is a problem in blood circulation retina gets affected. So cornea and retina the first place that get affected in our eyes.


★Usually if you have eye problems in cornea and the outer portion conjunctiva your eye gets reddish and when ever you seeing light you can't see the light it will glare and regularly tears comming from your eyes and like wise you will get blurred sight and the pupil which was in black colour it turns into white colour. 

★You can't identify the colours .
★Some people can see only through the left and right side portion of the eye and they can't see through center portion of the eye and it will fully visible as black like a black hole.
★somebody will see black floaters when they see the sky .
★ Eye will become sensitive when you're coming out and seeing sunlight. some people can't come out without a sunglasses. These are the main problem for getting sensitive eye.


Roll your eye balls to left and right and make a circle and a square by moving your eye ball do it for 10 times . First you do left to wright and then left to right . Then close your eyes and roll  the eye ball inside.

Blink your eyes this will nourishes the eye . When you closing a type of fluide produce which nourishes the eye. Take deep blinking upto 10 time.

For doing this exercise keep you head straight and see the tip of your thumb finger and move your thumb finger left and right now without turning your head you should see the thumb finger as it moves . Do this for 10 to 15 times.
Move your eyes left , right ,up, down or any side for 8 to 10 seconds and take a break and continue this exercise for 3 to 4 times times repeatedly.
Now close your eyes and keep your middle and index finger on your both eyelids (the upper and the lower fold skin of the eye) and move in circular motion . Do this for 5 to 10 times. After doing 5 to 10 times change the direction.
This is one of the exercise to get the eye muscles to relax. For doing this you need to rub your two hands for few seconds and keep on your eyes  . This will relax your eye muscle around your eyes.


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